How To Reach the 100-Year Life with NAD+

Can optimal NAD+ production, supported with supplements, boost metabolism enough to help you live a long healthy life?

Healthy Couple

NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is an ancient molecule, a coenzyme necessary for life.  This essential cofactor is involved in cell signaling pathways, redox reactions, and energy production in the cell. Signaling pathways are the ways cells communicate messages fundamental to life. Redox actions manage how cells utilize oxygen helping integrate mitochondrial function, the energy powerhouse

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Is the Myth of Harmful Mucus Forming Foods True?

Can withholding milk from children do more harm than good?

boy drinks milk, does it cause harmful mucus forming

Avoiding mucus-forming foods is trendy, but should you cut out dairy and foods associated with increasing mucus? Do dairy products, and other foods pigeonholed as mucus-forming, actually cause increased mucus production? Does too much mucus cause disease?

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What Is the Truth About Real Nutritional Supplements?

The Internet is full of misinformation and marketing - here's how to discern supplement fact from fiction.

real evidence-based nutritional supplements

The Internet is full of misinformation and marketing. Here’s how to find accurate evidence on real nutritional supplements and test their effectiveness.

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The Best Mayan Superfoods To Improve Your Diet

There's good reason that ancient superfoods like chaya and chayote are still staple foods.

Best Mayan Superfoods to improve your diet

Mayan superfoods may have originated in ancient agriculture, but their potent longevity has allowed these foods to remain important staples across Central America, the Caribbean, and even into the United States. These plants can provide striking flavor and powerful nutrients to the daily diet

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How to Create the Best New Year’s Personal Health Code Ever

New Year's Day signifies a new beginning. But is it genuinely new?

Couple practicing yoga at sunrise on the beach facing the sea

New Year’s Day signifies a new beginning. But is it genuinely new? To make a clean break from the cycle of broken resolutions, why not try something more meaningful this year? Instead of tricks and patchwork resolutions, why not establish a health strategy? Better yet, set up a life plan that is compatible with your beliefs and goals.

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The Link Between Vitamin D Deficiency and Breast Cancer

Scientific evidence mounts to support the idea that low vitamin D levels contribute to cancer growth.

Mother and daughter picking mushrooms

Scientific evidence mounts to support the idea that vitamin D deficiency contributes to cancer growth, and that optimizing vitamin D levels helps prevent cancer, and even improves chances of beating breast cancer.

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How to Actually Re-Tool Your Obsolete Multivitamin

Are multivitamins a scam? Maybe not anymore...

fork with multivitamin capsule, 3D rendering

Are multivitamins a scam? Maybe not anymore… It’s impossible to pack every nutrient you need in one capsule. Not even Nature does it. That’s why we need to eat a variety of foods. But, new generation multivitamins try to cover daily nutrient needs. A comprehensive multivitamin and mineral supplements can contain more than 30 ingredients. To get inclusive nutritional support, you have to take six capsules daily.

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