What You Need to Know About Getting a Flu Shot This Year

The 2018-2019 flu season started unobtrusively. But, if it worsens between January through April 2019, are you protected if you had a flu shot in September? Is it too late to get vaccinated now? Should you get vaccinated at all?

Flu shot

I’m not an anti-vaxxer. However, there’s some validity to anti-vaxxers’ concerns. Not all vaccinations are safe all of the time. Nor does every vaccine protect everyone from infection. In light of last year’s tough influenza season, it’s time to review the safety and value of vaccination. Let’s take a closer look at the flu shot.

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Does Natural Immunity Protect Better Than the Flu Shot?

When it comes to the flu shot, does the "one size fit all" model benefit everyone?

influenza vaccination, flu shot

If catching influenza provides stronger natural immunity against the flu than vaccination, why do pharmaceutical companies, government health agencies, and most doctors push flu shots? The short answer is that standards of care, as recommended by the CDC, require all licensed physicians to follow the same protocol.
The long answer is complicated.

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