About Dr. J.E. Williams

Thoughtful Clinician, Author, Ethnographer, and Teacher

Dr. J. E. Williams is a highly respected integrative medicine clinician who treats and revitalizes patients with even the most severe stages of illness. His mission is to bridge complementary and alternative therapies with evidence-based clinical science. Melding ancient wisdom and modern science, Dr. Williams dedicates each day to the service of his patients and students, and to working toward a healthier environment for everyone. His vision is to create a new healthcare system based on sustainable medicine utilizing the most efficient therapies with the least side effects. His integrative practice offers proven natural therapies, including:

    • Nutritional supplements and herbal therapy for chronic diseases.
    • Advanced injection therapies, including biopuncture, neurotherapy, and mesotherapy.
  • Regenerative therapies for skin, spine, and soft-tissue repair.
  • Medical and traditional acupuncture for chronic pain and sports injuries.


Pioneer in Integrative Medicine, Longevity, and Quality of Life

His experience ranges from medical acupuncture to traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, naturopathic medicine, bioregulatory medicine, functional medicine, advanced injection therapies, intravenous therapies, anti-aging medicine, and cell rejuvenation. The emphasis of his practice is chronic viral infections and immune-boosting methods.

Dr. Williams Career

His career begins in San Diego in 1984 when he co-founded Ecology Medical Clinic, one of the first integrative medical centers in the United States to focus on allergies, chemical and food sensitivities, and chronic fatigue. For nearly 40 years, Dr. Williams has travelled the globe in search of cures. He has conducted ethno-medical fieldwork and lived among many indigenous tribes from the Alaskan Arctic to the Andes Mountains and Amazon rainforests. In 1996, he coined the term “green medicine” to describe his investigations of natural healing practices and medicinal plants. Green medicine includes sustainable, biological, and nutritional therapies that heal the patient without harming the Earth. Realizing that the best artillery for fighting disease is educating others on holistic living and treatment options, Dr. Williams shares his practical wisdom and experiential insights through blogs, digital programming, and books, making the information available and easily accessible to all health-seekers. Every week, Dr. Williams writes thought-provoking blogs for Renegade Health. His newsletter, “Planetary Physician,” is geared toward those seeking honest, realistic answers to the most difficult health questions that we face today. In his digital programs, Dr. Williams offers tools for those who want to take charge of their health, including detailed information on blood testing and specific conditions like hypothyroidism and osteoporosis. In his books, he focuses on solutions to big topics like pandemic viral infections and aging, and he addresses the environmental issues that will shape the future of Earth.

Connected to Indigenous Cultures

The Andean Codex, by Dr. J.E. WilliamsLight of the Andes book cover, by Dr. J.E. Williams
Dr. Williams also wrote about his work with Peruvian shamans and the search for the soul of healing in his books “The Andean Codex” and “Light of the Andes.” In 2010, he founded the Ayniglobal nonprofit organization, dedicated to protecting indigenous cultures, their traditional environment, and their intellectual rights. His current projects are among the Q’ero people of the Peruvian Andes and Shipibo-Conibo of the upper Amazon. Dr. Williams has dedicated his practice to not only helping patients but also mentoring the next generation of doctors. In 1981, he was a founding faculty member of The California Acupuncture College. And a few years later, was head of the Chinese Herbal Medicine and Clinical Medicine departments at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego. In 2006, he taught the first medical acupuncture injection course at the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine. He continues to teach at leading colleges and universities, mentoring students from all fields of medicine, because he believes that disease is the common enemy of every physician.


Education + Certifications + Experience

  • A graduate of The California Acupuncture College in San Diego, Calif.
  • Doctor of Oriental Medicine from Sino-American Medical Research University in Los Angeles, Calif.
  • Post-doctoral training and hospital rotations at the Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai, China
  • Co-founder and clinical director of Ecological Medical Clinic, Del Mar, Calif.; founder of the San Diego Clinic of Natural Medicine, San Diego, Calif.; medical practitioner at The Center for Women’s Medicine, San Diego, Calif.
  • Board Certified Naturopathic Physician, American Naturopathic Medical Association
  • Board Certified in Traditional Chinese Herbology, National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
  • Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine


Events + Conferences + Presentation + Teaching + Awards

  • University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Fla.
  • Emperor’s College of Oriental Medicine
  • GUNA Terapie d’Avanguardia
  • Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH
  • Whole Foods Markets, Fla.
  • Scripps Health, La Jolla, Calif.
  • Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, San Diego, Calif.
  • East West College of Natural Medicine, Sarasota, Fla.
  • Annemarie Skincare, Berkeley, Calif.
  • Renegade Health, Berkeley, Calif.
  • Society for Acupoint Injection Therapy, Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • University for Humanistic Studies, San Diego, Calif.
  • Yoga Yoga, Austin, Tex.
  • Miami Life Center, Miami Beach, Fla.
  • NOVA Southeastern University, Fort Myers, Fla.
  • Lecturer on health and sustainable medicine in Venezuela, Cuba, Mexico, and Peru


Selected Achievements

  • Award for outstanding service from The California Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, and for his dedication to education from Positive Change Media.
  • Wrote the first procedures and protocols for acupuncturists to practice in hospitals in California for Mission Bay Hospital and Scripps Memorial Hospital in 1989.
  • Became one of the first to achieve the title Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine (FAAIM) in 2001.
  • Published “Viral Immunity” in 2002 that predicted SARS and similar respiratory viral infections before they appeared.
  • Began researching and writing on mucosal immunity, viral immunity, and influenza, and started writing “Beating the Flu” before the bird flu scare of 2005.
  • Developed procedures, protocols, and patient outcome monitors for acupuncture at HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital in Sarasota, Fla., in 2005.
  • Wrote the chapter on evidence-based acupuncture for Weiner’s Pain Management 2006.
  • Set the standard for acupuncture injection therapies by teaching certification courses in biopuncture and injection techniques to physicians and acupuncturists from 2005 through 2008 at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.
  • Honorary member of the Cuerpo Medico, Edgardo Rebagliati Martins National Hospital, Lima, Peru in November 2015.
  • Editorial board member for Alternative Medicine Review and Current Traditional Medicine.


Contact Dr. Williams

To make an appointment in Sarasota:

DaSilva Institute
3131 South Tamiami Trail Suite 202
Sarasota, Florida 34239
(941) 388 0940
Send Dr. Williams an email.

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