Biopuncture Therapy
Non-Toxic Evidence-Based Medicine for Healthier Lives
What Is Biopuncture?
Biopuncture is a medical treatment utilizing injections of biological substances into specific points or zones on the body. Biopuncture injections include herbal extracts, homeopathic medicines, nutrients, and other compounds. These include natural or bio-identical hormones and pharmaceutical substances such as procaine. The substances are injected by hypodermic needle into specific points and sites on the body to prevent and treat disease. The locations of points for injection are chosen by clinical examination and functional diagnosis. Microdoses are injected just under the skin or deeper, into muscles, ligaments, or joints.
The term “Biopuncture” was coined by the Belgian physician, Jan Kersshot, M.D. in 1991. Dr. Kersschot calls biopuncture, “a bridge between natural therapies and conventional medicine.”
What Is the Difference Between Biopuncture and Steroid Injections?
Steroid injections have potent anti-inflammatory effects. But, steroids often don’t help and may cause harm. Regarding safety and side effects, steroids are sometimes necessary; however, a single knee injection can suppress the immune system for a month. The natural medicines used in biopuncture support immune function and enhance tissue healing.
Modern Western medicine treats symptoms, hoping the body will right itself. Bioregulatory therapy, an aspect of functional medicine, aims at underlying dysfunction assisting the body to heal itself.

What Medicines Are Used in Biopuncture?
The most commonly injected products are ultra-low dose natural medicines manufactured in Europe under pharmaceutical and homeopathic standards. Also, diluted allopathic drugs are used including steroids, antibiotics, peptides, and anesthetics like procaine.
Germany is the leading manufacturer of low-dose bioregulatory medicines. The leading companies are Heel, Pascoe, and Hevert. A newer company from Italy, Guna, produces state-of-the-art bioregulatory injection medications for biopuncture.
In the U.S., the most common biopuncture products used in sports medicine and pain management are produced by Heel and include Traumeel, Lymphomyosot, Spascupreel, and Zeel. Traumeel is used to reduce pain and inflammation. Lymphomyosot is used for lymphatic drainage and tissue detoxification. Zeel for chronic osteoarthritis. Spascupreel is for muscle spasms. Each formula contains a combination of botanical and mineral ingredients. For example, Traumeel has 14 natural constituents including arnica to reduce swelling, comfrey for joints, chamomile and St. John’s wort to minimize pain, calendula for tissue healing, and echinacea to stimulate the immune system.
Trusted and Effective
Research defines Traumeel as an emerging alternative option to NSAIDs and steroid injections.
Studies show that Traumeel and Zeel can reduce the pain of osteoarthritis of the knee by 60%. In other studies, Traumeel topical gel was as effective as diclofenac, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) marketed as Voltaren Gel.
In the hands of a well-trained, experienced doctor, biopuncture is an ideal therapy for shifting chronic disease states towards healthier patterns that support healing.
Topical NSAIDs, like Voltaren, are highly effective in controlling localized pain and inflammation. In a 2017 study, topical diclofenac significantly reduced the pain associated with Achilles tendonitis. But, it can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke in susceptible individuals. Traumeel has no adverse effects and is as effective.
The combination of manual therapies like massage and stretching with biopuncture is not only safe but as effective as NSAIDs or steroid injections. A 2015 study found the Traumeel injections are equally effective as steroids for rotator cuff syndrome.
Conditions Effectively Treated with Biopuncture
Musculoskeletal Conditions:
- Sprains and strains
- Arthritic joint pain
- Tendonitis
- Plantar fasciitis
- Rotator cuff syndrome
- Degenerative disc disease of the low back and neck
- Nerve pain
- Post-surgical pain
Medical Conditions:
- Asthma
- Type I allergy, like hay fever
- Irritable and inflammatory bowel syndrome
- Atopic allergy, like eczema
- Bronchitis
- Migraine headaches
- Hashimoto’s disease
Bioregulatory Therapy
Bioregulatory therapy is the term for the medical system using biopuncture to regulate the body’s systems.
- Regulates biological function
- Supports adaptive responses
- Regenerates tissue
- Promotes detoxification pathways
- Modulates immunity

What Can You Expect from Biopuncture Treatment?
In the hands of a skilled practitioner, common overuse injuries and sports conditions like tennis elbow are treated efficiently with 1-3 sessions. Treatments are spaced apart between 3-5 days or up to 1-2 weeks. Chronic, complex conditions like degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine require repeated sessions 2-4 weeks apart over many months. But, recent sports injuries respond quickly with excellent results.
Is Biopuncture Safe?
Biopuncture is safe because it does not use toxic drugs or dangerous medications. The injection needles are very thin, so there is little chance of damaging nerves or soft tissue. In the hands of a well-trained, skilled practitioner, biopuncture is a safe form of therapy.
Are There Different Methods of Injection Therapies?
Biopuncture is one of many methods of therapeutic injections. Other injection therapies include:
Acupoint Injection Therapy (AIT) – Originally developed in China, AIT uses micro amounts of vitamin B12 or traditional Chinese herbal extracts. These are injected into acupuncture points to stimulate the regulation of the body’s biorhythms by an intrinsic energy called “Qi.”
Mesotherapy – Developed in France by Dr. Pistor in the 1950s, mesotherapy involves a shallow injection of mini-doses of medication in a grid pattern directly over an affected area. Traditional mesotherapy is mainly used to treat sports injuries. In Latin America and the U.S., modern mesotherapy is synonymous with non-surgical fat reduction. Mesotherapy is also used for rejuvenation of the skin with microdoses of nutrients, plant extracts, and peptides. Additionally, biorejuvenation reduces wrinkles, enhances skin texture, and restores elasticity.
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) – Using a serum derived from a patient’s own blood, PRP concentrates growth factors injected locally to reduce pain and promote healing. PRP treats osteoarthritis, tendonitis, and speeds recovery from sports injuries. Low-dose biopuncture medications may be combined with PRP solution for anti-inflammatory and regenerate effects and faster results.
Trigger Point Therapy – Developed by Janet G. Travell, M.D. in 1942, trigger point injections are used to treat myofascial pain and chronic muscle spasms. Procaine, normal saline, and Traumeel are the most common medications injected.
Prolozone – Medical ozone therapy has a long history in the treatment of cancer and autoimmune disorders like MS. Prolozone is a technique developed by Frank Shallenberger, M.D. where homeopathic medicines like Traumeel or Zeel are combined with pure ozone and injected into joints and ligaments.
Prolotherapy – After a long history among sports medicine doctors, prolotherapy is now mainstream. Prolotherapy involves the injection of an irritant, usually dextrose (a type of sugar), fish oils, or pumice into or around a joint. The medication initiates an inflammatory response that stimulates tissue repair. Prolotherapy treats chronic low back and neck pain, tendonitis, and sports injuries.
Dr. Williams’ Biopuncture Background
Dr. Williams is a leader in injection therapies, including biopuncture. He developed an interest in biopuncture and acupuncture point injection therapy in the mid-1980s. In 2006, he developed the first acupuncture point injection course at East West College of Natural Medicine. Between 2008 to 2012, he developed the curriculum and taught certification courses in acupuncture-biopuncture injection therapy for physicians at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. In 2010, he coordinated an international collaboration for a course in injection therapy between the University of Miami and Universidad Nacional Autonomia de Mexico (UNAM). And also in 2010, he developed the curriculum and taught certification courses in injection therapy for the Society for Acupoint Injection Therapy (SAIT) in Vancouver, Canada.
Dr. Williams holds numerous certifications in injection therapies. He incorporates a wide-range of evidence-based therapeutic injection methods in his practice.

Mesothearpy & Lipotherapy Training 2008
Jacques Le Coz, MD (far left, pioneered mesotherapy with Dr. Pistor in France), Patricia Rittes, MD (pioneered mesotherapy weight loss in Brazil), Dr. Williams (second from right), and Roman Chubaty, MD (founded Aesthetic MD in Canada, now practices in Scottsdale, AZ)
Contact Dr. Williams
Dr. Williams sees patients in Sarasota, Florida, as well as in San Diego and Los Angeles, California. He consults with patients from all over the world.
Make an Appointment in Sarasota: (941) 955-6220