4 Rules to Help You Not Get Sick During Fall-Winter 2023-24

By Dr. J.E. Williams | | Reading Time: < 1 minute

4 Rules to Help You Not Get Sick During Fall-Winter 2023-24

Here are 4 Rules to avoid infection: avoid, mask, test, and use HEPA filters.

We’re heading into the fourth year of the COVID-19 Pandemic. True, the worst is over, but it’s not gone. SARS viruses are here to stay, like cold and flu viruses. How can you stay safe this fall and winter respiratory virus season?

Our results: No infections for me or my clinical staff.

An article in New Scientist presented evidence that air-filtering reduces sick days at school by 20 percent. HEPA filters effectively clear the air but also destroy viruses. I use MOLEKULE filters.


1.     Avoid exposure.
2.     Wear an N95 mask.
3.     Take a home antigen test.
4.     Use HEPA filters at home and in your office.

For extra caution, add a fifth rule: take your temperature. Get a rapid test if you have a low-grade fever with a temperature of 99.5 degrees, even if you don’t have symptoms like headache, coughing, or lack of smell.

Early symptoms of respiratory viral infections often include a low-grade temperature but not a full-blown fever. So, if you feel “off,” use an infrared thermometer to check your forehead temperature.

If you follow these basic rules, your risk of infection is much less.

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