Unchecked, chronic symptomatic prostatitis makes you more susceptible to developing prostate cancer.
By Dr. J.E. Williams |
Annoying prostate inflammation called prostatitis, with or without low-grade infection, affects between 64-86% of men at some time in their lives. Symptoms can be mild to bothersome, tend to worsen with age, and can lead to cancer
Scientific evidence mounts to support the idea that low vitamin D levels contribute to cancer growth.
By Dr. J.E. Williams |
Scientific evidence mounts to support the idea that vitamin D deficiency contributes to cancer growth, and that optimizing vitamin D levels helps prevent cancer, and even improves chances of beating breast cancer.
What can you do to avoid getting the wrong diagnosis?
By Dr. J.E. Williams |
More people die from medical errors, including misdiagnosis, than are killed in car accidents. What can you do to avoid getting the wrong diagnosis? Getting the wrong cancer diagnosis sets into motion a clinical approach that may or may not be proven effective. You may even get dangerous treatments that are unnecessary.