Blog Category: Healthcare - Page 5

How to Make Peace and soothe your liver

A peaceful, healthy liver assures sustainable wellness, healthy weight, and abundant energy.

By Dr. J.E. Williams |

Your liver is much more than a fleshy organ. It’s a metabolic powerhouse processing system that makes life possible. Most of the time, it works well with little maintenance. But sometimes things go wrong, and your liver becomes sick or underperforms. How do you restore liver function? How can you make peace with a cranking

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Rejuvenate Your Thymus Gland

A healthy thymus enhances immunity to beat infections, prevent cancer, and extend lifespan.

By Dr. J.E. Williams |

Imagine in the middle of the galaxy there’s a small, but essential asteroid that starships returning to Earth must visit to receive a vital nutrient mined in the asteroid’s interior. This substance revitalizes passengers and crew, so they’re well enough to complete the journey home. And it assures they’re immune-competent against Earth’s many infectious microorganisms.

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Should You Get A Flu Shot Now?

The 2019-2020 flu season is here, and EU and US health authorities predict a busy one. You may recall that 2017 was one of the worst flu seasons in decades and that 2018 was quieter. That’s because seasonal influenza is cyclic. It comes every year but varies in strength. What's happening this time?

By Dr. J.E. Williams |

The annual flu season runs from October through March in the Northern Hemisphere, though it could start earlier and last longer. In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the opposite. So I look to Australia during July-August (our summer, and their winter) for clues of how bad our flu season might get, and how effective the flu

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How to Lower Inflammation for Health and Longevity

By Dr. J.E. Williams |

Medical researchers found that chronic diseases have a link to inflammation. However, the inflammation story is complicated. To take control of your health, the first step is to learn the laboratory tests that measure inflammation and the best ways to lower inflammation naturally. A Case Study She had MRSA, antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and other bacteria

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The Link Between Chronic Viral Infections and Chronic Fatigue

By Dr. J.E. Williams |

In this episode, I’m speaking with Dr. J.E. Williams – a specialist in viral immunology – about the link between chronic viral infections and chronic fatigue and the best approach to overcome chronic infections. Source:

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Common Viruses That can Trigger Chronic Fatigue

By Dr. J.E. Williams |

We have all experienced a viral infection (such as the flu or common cold) which left us bedridden for a few days, at some point in our lives. Most of the time, our bodies fight off the infection and we don’t have any further issues. But sometimes, an infection may cause lasting harm or may

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What You Need to Know About Getting a Flu Shot This Year

The 2018-2019 flu season started unobtrusively. But, if it worsens between January through April 2019, are you protected if you had a flu shot in September? Is it too late to get vaccinated now? Should you get vaccinated at all?

By Dr. J.E. Williams |

I’m not an anti-vaxxer. However, there’s some validity to anti-vaxxers’ concerns. Not all vaccinations are safe all of the time. Nor does every vaccine protect everyone from infection. In light of last year’s tough influenza season, it’s time to review the safety and value of vaccination. Let’s take a closer look at the flu shot.

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Does Natural Immunity Protect Better Than the Flu Shot?

When it comes to the flu shot, does the "one size fit all" model benefit everyone?

By Dr. J.E. Williams |

If catching influenza provides stronger natural immunity against the flu than vaccination, why do pharmaceutical companies, government health agencies, and most doctors push flu shots? The short answer is that standards of care, as recommended by the CDC, require all licensed physicians to follow the same protocol.
The long answer is complicated.

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How to Create the Best New Year’s Personal Health Code Ever

New Year's Day signifies a new beginning. But is it genuinely new?

By Dr. J.E. Williams |

New Year’s Day signifies a new beginning. But is it genuinely new? To make a clean break from the cycle of broken resolutions, why not try something more meaningful this year? Instead of tricks and patchwork resolutions, why not establish a health strategy? Better yet, set up a life plan that is compatible with your beliefs and goals.

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Five Reasons Why You Need to Get Your CRP Tested

Knowing if your CRP level is high and how to lower it could save your life.

By Dr. J.E. Williams |

For my patients, getting tested for C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is as necessary to disease prevention as flossing your teeth or getting your LDL cholesterol level checked. Knowing if your CRP level is high and how to lower it could save your life.

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