How To Evaluate Your Viral Immunity Questionnaire
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Avoidance is your best defense against viral infection. If you’re not exposed, you won’t get sick. The second-best defense is resilient viral immunity. I’ll give you a tool to evaluate your viral immunity in the article.
Winter Is Peak Season for Respiratory Viral Infections
It’s late December 2022. In the Northern Hemisphere, the winter cold and flu season is upon us. Low temperatures dampen immunity because when we breathe cold air, the mucosal immunity in our nasal passage is weakened, increasing susceptibility to viral infection.
This year, the terrible two coupled with RSV to create the wicked threesome. And making for a fourth upper respiratory viral illness, COVID-19 continues to spread. If fact, we are likely to have another surge.
Thankfully, new COVID cases are relatively few and have mild symptoms. However, for the most vulnerable, including the elderly and immune-compromised people, hospitalization is increasing.
This pattern has been typical for SARS-CoV-2 since the beginning of the pandemic in January 2020. Most who get infected experience mild to moderate symptoms. But those with weaker immunity often develop severe, and even fatal, disease outcomes.
However, even those with milder symptoms are suspectable to developing post-COVID syndrome, with many progressing to Long COVID.
I developed this questionnaire to check your immune status. Check the boxes that pertain to your condition or lifestyle.
Gauge Your Immune Status
Your immunity is most likely vital and resilient if you checked off most of the questions on the healthy habits list. But you may have less responsive immunity if you checked off more than three questions from the other lists. In that case, start a viral immunity-enhancing program to protect your health during the remaining winter months and early spring.
Diet and lifestyle are important. So is getting enough rest and restorative sleep. Exercise helps a lot in grounding your immunity. You don’t have to do overly strenuous workouts or heavy weightlifting. Walking is enough. So is a series of yoga postures that include balance and stretching. If you live in colder climates, stay warm. It may sound old-fashioned, but wear a hat, scarf, and a good pair of socks. Drink plenty of water. Warm soups help too.
To protect yourself and your family from viral infections, see my viral immunity supplement protocols on Fullscript.
- Viral Immunity Foundation
- Winter Cold and Flu Immune Support
- Dr. Williams’ Top 10 Supplements for Beating Covid-19
Dr. Williams is the author of VIRAL IMMUNITY and BEATING THE FLU, available on