How To Reach the 100-Year Life with NAD+

Can optimal NAD+ production, supported with supplements, boost metabolism enough to help you live a long healthy life?

Healthy Couple

NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is an ancient molecule, a coenzyme necessary for life.  This essential cofactor is involved in cell signaling pathways, redox reactions, and energy production in the cell. Signaling pathways are the ways cells communicate messages fundamental to life. Redox actions manage how cells utilize oxygen helping integrate mitochondrial function, the energy powerhouse

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12 Proven Principles For A Really Healthy Diet

Too much nutrition information runs the risk of explaining nothing. The promise of a perfect diet for everyone is wrong. It’s time to reset our dietary choices. Let’s relearn about human nutrition from indigenous cultures and the best that science can teach us.

Market in Cusco, Peru 2015

Nutrition experts debate what diet is right for us. You read a few studies and discover conflicting information. Does scientific evidence confuse or help us understand food choices? Internet health gurus promote their version of what’s the optimal human diet in order to sell services and products. Should you believe these “experts” when there is

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How to Prevent Future Prostate Problems and Avoid Cancer

Unchecked, chronic symptomatic prostatitis makes you more susceptible to developing prostate cancer.

healthy surfer, prostatitis, prostate cancer

Annoying prostate inflammation called prostatitis, with or without low-grade infection, affects between 64-86% of men at some time in their lives. Symptoms can be mild to bothersome, tend to worsen with age, and can lead to cancer

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The Best Mayan Superfoods To Improve Your Diet

There's good reason that ancient superfoods like chaya and chayote are still staple foods.

Best Mayan Superfoods to improve your diet

Mayan superfoods may have originated in ancient agriculture, but their potent longevity has allowed these foods to remain important staples across Central America, the Caribbean, and even into the United States. These plants can provide striking flavor and powerful nutrients to the daily diet

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How to Create the Best New Year’s Personal Health Code Ever

New Year's Day signifies a new beginning. But is it genuinely new?

Couple practicing yoga at sunrise on the beach facing the sea

New Year’s Day signifies a new beginning. But is it genuinely new? To make a clean break from the cycle of broken resolutions, why not try something more meaningful this year? Instead of tricks and patchwork resolutions, why not establish a health strategy? Better yet, set up a life plan that is compatible with your beliefs and goals.

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Turmeric Shots: Magic Elixir or Pure Hype?

Let’s look at the root science to find out if fresh turmeric shots are actually valuable for your health.

Tumeric tea powder

Let’s look at the root science to find out if fresh turmeric shots are actually valuable for your health. With an impressive nutritional profile, turmeric has long been used for its benefits. Often called the “golden nutraceutical,” turmeric is the latest superfood to make headlines as Manhattan supermodels and Hollywood celebrities are heralding the benefits of starting their days drinking shots of the bright yellow spice mixed with water.

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