Does Natural Immunity Protect Better Than the Flu Shot?

When it comes to the flu shot, does the "one size fit all" model benefit everyone?

influenza vaccination, flu shot

If catching influenza provides stronger natural immunity against the flu than vaccination, why do pharmaceutical companies, government health agencies, and most doctors push flu shots? The short answer is that standards of care, as recommended by the CDC, require all licensed physicians to follow the same protocol.
The long answer is complicated.

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How to Create the Best New Year’s Personal Health Code Ever

New Year's Day signifies a new beginning. But is it genuinely new?

Couple practicing yoga at sunrise on the beach facing the sea

New Year’s Day signifies a new beginning. But is it genuinely new? To make a clean break from the cycle of broken resolutions, why not try something more meaningful this year? Instead of tricks and patchwork resolutions, why not establish a health strategy? Better yet, set up a life plan that is compatible with your beliefs and goals.

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Sore Throat, How to Treat it with Natural Medicine

These home remedies are readily available, easy to use, and work without side effects.

Brunette adult girl with fever wrapping herself in blanket on sofa

These home remedies are readily available, easy to use, and work without side effects. We’ve all experienced it. The winter months come on cold and windy, and sooner or later, you get a swelling and burning pain in the back of your throat, making it difficult to swallow. The good news is that natural medicine can be an effective way to treat sore throats.

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How to Do The Most Effective Gallbladder Flush Ever

A healthy way to restore your health is with a liver cleanse and gallbladder flush.

GallBladder Flush Kit

A healthy way to prepare for springtime is with a liver cleanse and gallbladder flush. The best time of year to detoxify your liver is in the springtime. But, before you start a liver-cleanse program, consider flushing bile and stones from your gallbladder.

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How to Bounce Back Quicker and Heal Faster

The sooner we recover from difficulties, the better we fare in life, and the happier and healthier we are.

Hand Covering Flowers at the Garden with Sunlight

The sooner we heal from difficulties, the better we fare in life, and the happier and healthier we are. Timothy D. Wilson, a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia, wrote in Redirect: Changing the Stories We Live By (Wilson 2015) that the more we understand the negative events that take over our lives, including “breakups, failures, and medical problems, the faster we recover from them.”

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How to Cure Dengue, Chikungunya, and Zika Fevers with Papaya Leaf

These tough viruses have nasty symptoms and no effective pharmaceutical cure. Yet, one promising natural treatment is simple and readily available in the tropics.

Papaya Leaf

These tough viruses have nasty symptoms and no effective pharmaceutical cure. Yet, one promising natural treatment is simple and readily available in the tropics. In the fall of 2016, I was in the Yucatan chasing viruses. I heard that an entire Mayan village had contracted chikungunya, and I wanted to learn more.

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Turmeric Shots: Magic Elixir or Pure Hype?

Let’s look at the root science to find out if fresh turmeric shots are actually valuable for your health.

Tumeric tea powder

Let’s look at the root science to find out if fresh turmeric shots are actually valuable for your health. With an impressive nutritional profile, turmeric has long been used for its benefits. Often called the “golden nutraceutical,” turmeric is the latest superfood to make headlines as Manhattan supermodels and Hollywood celebrities are heralding the benefits of starting their days drinking shots of the bright yellow spice mixed with water.

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