The Delta variant wave is profoundly concerning. Cases have increased and will continue to go up because it’s more infectious and spreads faster, and can make you sicker. But also because we let our guard down. For example, people who got vaccinated stopped wearing masks. And many unvaccinated people, tired of breathing through masks, didn’t
Ancestral foods and modern supplements that enhance Nrf2 pathways are essential antioxidants integral to successfully bending the COVID-19 curve strategy.
By Dr. J.E. Williams |
In previous posts, I outlined natural ways to bend the infectious curve of COVID-19 in your favor should you get sick (Part I). I covered the basics of preventing infection, including getting enough rest, drinking plenty of fluids, wearing a mask, washing your hands, wiping surfaces, and avoiding crowds (Part II). And I outlined the
In this part, you’ll learn the top 8 supplements to support viral immunity, improve disease tolerance, and counter the effects of COVID-19 if you get sick.
By Dr. J.E. Williams |
Coronaviruses have been with us for a long time. And judging by the current trend, SARS-CoV-2 it’s here to stay. Over time, we’ll develop natural immune resistance. Then it would become a nuisance infection like the common cold or seasonal influenza. The worst case scenario is the virus mutates to become more contagious and more
In this series, I present practical ways to beat the flu and bend the COVID-19 curve in your favor.
By Dr. J.E. Williams |
Every day since February 2020, I’ve received similar questions from patients and readers that go like this: Is COVID-19 as severe as the CDC says? Are there ways to prevent getting sick? Can I get the flu and COVID-19 at the same time? What should I do to stay out of the hospital? Will I
Can two common antioxidant supplements lower the impact of coronavirus infection and speed up recovery?
By Dr. J.E. Williams |
We’ve accepted that avoidance and prevention are critical for not getting infected, but if you get COVID-19 and coronaviruses swarm your cells, are there ways to bend the curve? First, follow the basic rules, including enough rest and drinking plenty of fluids, wearing a mask, washing your hands, wiping surfaces, and avoiding crowds. And, take
The 2019-2020 flu season is here, and EU and US health authorities predict a busy one. You may recall that 2017 was one of the worst flu seasons in decades and that 2018 was quieter. That’s because seasonal influenza is cyclic. It comes every year but varies in strength. What's happening this time?
By Dr. J.E. Williams |
The annual flu season runs from October through March in the Northern Hemisphere, though it could start earlier and last longer. In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the opposite. So I look to Australia during July-August (our summer, and their winter) for clues of how bad our flu season might get, and how effective the flu
The 2018-2019 flu season started unobtrusively. But, if it worsens between January through April 2019, are you protected if you had a flu shot in September? Is it too late to get vaccinated now? Should you get vaccinated at all?
By Dr. J.E. Williams |
I’m not an anti-vaxxer. However, there’s some validity to anti-vaxxers’ concerns. Not all vaccinations are safe all of the time. Nor does every vaccine protect everyone from infection. In light of last year’s tough influenza season, it’s time to review the safety and value of vaccination. Let’s take a closer look at the flu shot.
Flu Season is not over, but could be out of your system sooner with TCM
By Dr. J.E. Williams |
This flu season was the worst in a decade. Finally kick your flu symptoms with Traditional Chinese Medicine herbal formulas Minor Bupleurum and Ginseng.
When it comes to the flu shot, does the "one size fit all" model benefit everyone?
By Dr. J.E. Williams |
If catching influenza provides stronger natural immunity against the flu than vaccination, why do pharmaceutical companies, government health agencies, and most doctors push flu shots? The short answer is that standards of care, as recommended by the CDC, require all licensed physicians to follow the same protocol. The long answer is complicated.
Influenza is endemic to China, so it makes sense that Chinese medicine would have the most experience in treating the flu.
By Dr. J.E. Williams |
Traditional Chinese medicine developed more than 2,500 years ago. Over millennia, traditional doctors gained practical insights about what plants and combinations worked best. But, experience alone isn’t all that matters. Modern science is testing traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for the treatment of influenza.