Blog Category: Healthcare - Page 6

What You Need to Know About Getting a Flu Shot This Year

The 2018-2019 flu season started unobtrusively. But, if it worsens between January through April 2019, are you protected if you had a flu shot in September? Is it too late to get vaccinated now? Should you get vaccinated at all?

By Dr. J.E. Williams |

I’m not an anti-vaxxer. However, there’s some validity to anti-vaxxers’ concerns. Not all vaccinations are safe all of the time. Nor does every vaccine protect everyone from infection. In light of last year’s tough influenza season, it’s time to review the safety and value of vaccination. Let’s take a closer look at the flu shot.

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Does Natural Immunity Protect Better Than the Flu Shot?

When it comes to the flu shot, does the "one size fit all" model benefit everyone?

By Dr. J.E. Williams |

If catching influenza provides stronger natural immunity against the flu than vaccination, why do pharmaceutical companies, government health agencies, and most doctors push flu shots? The short answer is that standards of care, as recommended by the CDC, require all licensed physicians to follow the same protocol.
The long answer is complicated.

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How to Create the Best New Year’s Personal Health Code Ever

New Year's Day signifies a new beginning. But is it genuinely new?

By Dr. J.E. Williams |

New Year’s Day signifies a new beginning. But is it genuinely new? To make a clean break from the cycle of broken resolutions, why not try something more meaningful this year? Instead of tricks and patchwork resolutions, why not establish a health strategy? Better yet, set up a life plan that is compatible with your beliefs and goals.

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Five Reasons Why You Need to Get Your CRP Tested

Knowing if your CRP level is high and how to lower it could save your life.

By Dr. J.E. Williams |

For my patients, getting tested for C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is as necessary to disease prevention as flossing your teeth or getting your LDL cholesterol level checked. Knowing if your CRP level is high and how to lower it could save your life.

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The Proactive Patient

What it takes to be healthy in the digital age.

By Dr. J.E. Williams |

In 1998, I pitched my literary agent a book idea that I thought had bestseller written all over it. The title, The ProActive Patient, was meant as a call for Americans to take more responsibility for their own health care. By enlisting physicians as partners in health care, my idea encompassed healthy diet, nutritional supplements, exercise – truly preventative lifestyle – and transparency of medical records.

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How To Avoid Cancer Misdiagnosis & Save Your Life

What can you do to avoid getting the wrong diagnosis?

By Dr. J.E. Williams |

More people die from medical errors, including misdiagnosis, than are killed in car accidents. What can you do to avoid getting the wrong diagnosis? Getting the wrong cancer diagnosis sets into motion a clinical approach that may or may not be proven effective. You may even get dangerous treatments that are unnecessary.

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Useful Tips for Having Blood Drawn

Getting your blood drawn can be stressful. Here's how to do it right, so you only have to do it once.

By Dr. J.E. Williams |

Getting your blood drawn can be stressful. Here’s how to do it right, so you only have to do it once.
I’ve seen a lot of patients squeamish and anxious about having their blood drawn. It’s definitely not an easy experience for everyone, and that’s okay. Yet, with a little preparation, you can help make the process go smoother.

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