To live a long healthy life, it’s important to boost NAD+ levels with supplements, but you also have to regulate CD38, the enzyme that depletes NAD+.
By Dr. J.E. Williams |
The “Age Wave” futurist Ken Dychtwald predicted is upon us.[1] It’s no secret. Baby boomers are getting older. But what do we call aging boomers? Older adults? That’s too generic. Not outdated terms like Gray Panthers or Senior Citizens popular in my mother’s “the greatest generation” era. To make it more taxing, boomers reject labels
Medical researchers found that chronic diseases have a link to inflammation. However, the inflammation story is complicated. To take control of your health, the first step is to learn the laboratory tests that measure inflammation and the best ways to lower inflammation naturally. A Case Study She had MRSA, antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and other bacteria
The 2018-2019 flu season started unobtrusively. But, if it worsens between January through April 2019, are you protected if you had a flu shot in September? Is it too late to get vaccinated now? Should you get vaccinated at all?
By Dr. J.E. Williams |
I’m not an anti-vaxxer. However, there’s some validity to anti-vaxxers’ concerns. Not all vaccinations are safe all of the time. Nor does every vaccine protect everyone from infection. In light of last year’s tough influenza season, it’s time to review the safety and value of vaccination. Let’s take a closer look at the flu shot.
Flu Season is not over, but could be out of your system sooner with TCM
By Dr. J.E. Williams |
This flu season was the worst in a decade. Finally kick your flu symptoms with Traditional Chinese Medicine herbal formulas Minor Bupleurum and Ginseng.
My nature cure mentor, Dr. Bernard Jensen, was right. All disease starts in the gut.
By Dr. J.E. Williams |
Science is proving that there is a link between gut endotoxins & chronic inflammatory diseases. Is F. prausnitzii the common bacteria thread to reduce inflammation?
The Internet is full of misinformation and marketing - here's how to discern supplement fact from fiction.
By Dr. J.E. Williams |
The Internet is full of misinformation and marketing. Here’s how to find accurate evidence on real nutritional supplements and test their effectiveness.
There's good reason that ancient superfoods like chaya and chayote are still staple foods.
By Dr. J.E. Williams |
Mayan superfoods may have originated in ancient agriculture, but their potent longevity has allowed these foods to remain important staples across Central America, the Caribbean, and even into the United States. These plants can provide striking flavor and powerful nutrients to the daily diet
Influenza is endemic to China, so it makes sense that Chinese medicine would have the most experience in treating the flu.
By Dr. J.E. Williams |
Traditional Chinese medicine developed more than 2,500 years ago. Over millennia, traditional doctors gained practical insights about what plants and combinations worked best. But, experience alone isn’t all that matters. Modern science is testing traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for the treatment of influenza.
Micronutrients have major influences on health, including viral immunity.
By Dr. J.E. Williams |
Micronutrients have major influences on health, including viral immunity. Here’s how to effectively boost your immune system with natural methods and supplements, so you can beat the flu.
Scientific evidence mounts to support the idea that low vitamin D levels contribute to cancer growth.
By Dr. J.E. Williams |
Scientific evidence mounts to support the idea that vitamin D deficiency contributes to cancer growth, and that optimizing vitamin D levels helps prevent cancer, and even improves chances of beating breast cancer.