Low Vitamin D level and COVID-19
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There’s no doubt that low vitamin D level —just like low vitamin B12— is underappreciated by doctors, especially for infectious disease prevention, and goes underdiagnosed and inadequately treated.
Optimal vitamin D is particularly important during the pandemic. Links between a low vitamin D level and COVID-19 include worse outcomes for acute lung infection and the severity of disease progression. Adequate vitamin D intake supports immunity and helps modulate inflammation. Vitamin D3 with vitamin K2, and adequate magnesium can improve blood vessel resiliency and minimize vascular clotting.
Do you have a Vitamin D deficiency?
Order your vitamin D test from Ulta Lab Tests at a discount.
- Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy (25-OH) Total, Immunoassay
Evaluate Your Blood Test Results
New research strongly suggests that we’ve overlooked and unvalued the importance of vitamin D3, including how much we need. In my Complete Blood Test Blueprint —and in my clinical practice—I aimed for an optimal 25-OH level above 74 ng/mL but not higher than 100.

Clinical experience and the current research changed my viewpoint.
Now, I aim for at least 90 ng/mL with 100-120 optimal when treating autoimmune conditions like MS, and for chronic infections including COVID-19.
Updated ranges for the forthcoming new edition of The Complete Blood Test Blueprint Program:
- Deficient: Less than 29 ng/mL (72 nmol/L)
- Inadequate: Less than 39 ng/mL (97 nmol/L)
- Adequate: 40-74 ng/mL (100-195 nmol/L)
- Desirable: 75-100 ng/mL (187-250 nmol/L)
- Optimal: 100-120 ng/mL (250-300 nmol/L)
My Vitamin D3 Supplement Recommendations
Vitamin D3 supplementation is essential for those with COVID-19, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular conditions, and bone metabolism disorders like osteoporosis, and for everyone over 65 years.
Boost your low Vitamin D level with these two supplements I use in the clinic.
Choose one:

Vitamin D Supreme 5,000 IU with K1/2
Take 1-2 capsules daily with a meal

Metagenics D3 10,000+K
Take 1 softgel daily with a meal
Order these and other physician-grade supplements here.
Diet, lifestyle, exercise, and supplements help bend the COVID-19 curve by improving disease tolerance, modulating inflammation, increasing antioxidant protection that help prevent serious disease and speed recovery if you get sick.
Even if you’re vaccinated, take supplements to support your viral immunity in case you have breakthrough COVID and to prevent the flu. Be proactive about your health. Get tested and enhance your Vitamin D levels.