Is the Myth of Harmful Mucus Forming Foods True?

Can withholding milk from children do more harm than good?

boy drinks milk, does it cause harmful mucus forming

Avoiding mucus-forming foods is trendy, but should you cut out dairy and foods associated with increasing mucus? Do dairy products, and other foods pigeonholed as mucus-forming, actually cause increased mucus production? Does too much mucus cause disease?

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How to Lower Chronic Inflammation with Gut Bacteria

My nature cure mentor, Dr. Bernard Jensen, was right. All disease starts in the gut.

F. prausnitzii, gut bacteria, inflammation, ibs

Science is proving that there is a link between gut endotoxins & chronic inflammatory diseases. Is F. prausnitzii the common bacteria thread to reduce inflammation?

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How to Prevent Future Prostate Problems and Avoid Cancer

Unchecked, chronic symptomatic prostatitis makes you more susceptible to developing prostate cancer.

healthy surfer, prostatitis, prostate cancer

Annoying prostate inflammation called prostatitis, with or without low-grade infection, affects between 64-86% of men at some time in their lives. Symptoms can be mild to bothersome, tend to worsen with age, and can lead to cancer

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What Is the Truth About Real Nutritional Supplements?

The Internet is full of misinformation and marketing - here's how to discern supplement fact from fiction.

real evidence-based nutritional supplements

The Internet is full of misinformation and marketing. Here’s how to find accurate evidence on real nutritional supplements and test their effectiveness.

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The Best Mayan Superfoods To Improve Your Diet

There's good reason that ancient superfoods like chaya and chayote are still staple foods.

Best Mayan Superfoods to improve your diet

Mayan superfoods may have originated in ancient agriculture, but their potent longevity has allowed these foods to remain important staples across Central America, the Caribbean, and even into the United States. These plants can provide striking flavor and powerful nutrients to the daily diet

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Does Natural Immunity Protect Better Than the Flu Shot?

When it comes to the flu shot, does the "one size fit all" model benefit everyone?

influenza vaccination, flu shot

If catching influenza provides stronger natural immunity against the flu than vaccination, why do pharmaceutical companies, government health agencies, and most doctors push flu shots? The short answer is that standards of care, as recommended by the CDC, require all licensed physicians to follow the same protocol.
The long answer is complicated.

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The 3 Chinese Medicine Treatments for Beating the Flu (Part III of III)

Influenza is endemic to China, so it makes sense that Chinese medicine would have the most experience in treating the flu.

Traditional Chinese medicine developed more than 2,500 years ago. Over millennia, traditional doctors gained practical insights about what plants and combinations worked best. But, experience alone isn’t all that matters. Modern science is testing traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for the treatment of influenza.

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